The 15th Pacific-Community-SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting in Noumea provided an opportunity for the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat Director General, Leonard Louma, to meet with the Executive Director of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), Ms Rhea Moss-Christian, and exchange ideas on possible areas of cooperation in managing shared fisheries resources.

The WCPFC is a tuna regional fisheries management organisation established to conserve and manage tuna and other highly migratory fish stocks across the western and central areas of the Pacific Ocean.

DG Louma enquired if there were any likely areas that MSG could be involved in facilitating the better management and development of the other highly migratory tuna fish stocks which were not adequately covered under the existing management frameworks.

He noted that, on the basis of briefs provided to him, the Albacore fishery which was a big resource in the MSG countries, is still yet to establish an agreed management framework, and wondered if MSG might be able to play a starting role in this enterprise, in close collaboration with WCPFC and the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA).

“Others that have a stake in the albacore fishery can come on board later when they are able to and comfortable with the management arrangements,” he said.

Both DG Louma and ED Christian agreed to continue conversation on how the MSG and WCPFC can help complement each other’s activities in the sustainable development and responsible management of common fisheries resources.

Source: MSG Secretariat