Riding the Waves of Resilience: PRM 2023 Sets Sail for a Stronger Pacific Future

THE Pacific Resilience Meeting (PRM 2023) is set to unite Pacific individuals, stakeholders, and experts from across the region for discussions on fortifying the long-term strength, adaptability, and sustainability of Pacific communities and ecosystems from October 11 to 13, 2023.

The central focus of PRM 2023 will be on building resilience to ensure the future of the region through proactive measures, collaboration, and the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and knowledge.

This year’s theme, “Our People, Our Strength: Securing our Future,” underscores the importance of Pacific people in the core of resilience-building efforts. The three-day event will take place on a virtual platform and at national venues across 15 countries.

Held biennially, the meeting aims to elevate resilience initiatives, address issues, and explore opportunities for a diverse range of stakeholders, from community representatives to Pacific Leaders, decision-makers, regional and global institutions, and partners. Discussions will also encompass best practices, challenges, and experiences related to the Framework of Resilient Development in the Pacific (FRDP).

Lealaisalanoa Frances Brown Reupena, Chair of the Pacific Resilience Partnership Taskforce and Chief Executive Officer of Samoa’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, emphasized the significance of the PRM as the regional platform connecting various disciplines, sectors, and stakeholders. She highlighted the collective responsibility of achieving sustainable and resilient development aspirations and the crucial role of everyone’s efforts towards securing the future of the Blue Pacific region.

Key features of the meeting include:

  • Three daily plenaries, commencing with an opening session featuring an address by Hon Mark Brown, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands.
  • Twelve technical sessions.
  • Three daily learning labs.

In anticipation of the event, Pacific youth organized a successful hybrid Youth Forum on October 6th. The forum delved into how young people are actively contributing to a more resilient Pacific, reflecting on the 2021 forum, and expressing their expectations for PRM 2023.

PRM is coordinated by the Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP), the umbrella implementation mechanism for the Framework for Resilience Development in the Pacific (FRDP), established in 2017. The PRP support unit comprises the Pacific Community (SPC), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.