Fast track area at the Emergency NRH corridor (PC Dr Pedical Togamae)
PRESIDENT of the Solomon Islands Medical Association (SIMA) has strongly criticized the alarming conditions of the Emergency ward at the National Referral Hospital of the Solomon Islands.
Dr. Pedical Togamae has publicly expressed concern, labeling the state of the Emergency ward as poor and the working conditions an eyesore.
Dr. Togamae stated that they have already brought the situation to the attention of the leadership, and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Referral Hospital who assured them that he will meet with the NRH executives to plan out how they will resolve the issue.
However, he highlighted the insufficient attention given by the NRH CEO, the Honorable Minister of Health, and the Permanent Secretary of Health to these distressing work conditions. SIMA can only express sympathy for its members and patients who are currently dealing with the makeshift Emergency department.
Dr Togamae in his statement highlighted that sick patients are reportedly being left on the hospital porch for over 24 hours daily, exposing them to extreme weather conditions. This situation raises concerns about Solomon Islands’ adherence to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Charter 187: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006.
According to a 2018 WHO study, creating healthier and safer workplaces can prevent at least 1.2 million deaths annually. The workplace is a crucial setting for addressing major health threats, including stress, long working hours, shift work, prolonged sitting, and climate-sensitive diseases. The 24/7 digital economy, coupled with long working hours and high demands, poses significant risks to the physical and mental health of healthcare professionals.
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services appears to lack effective solutions for extreme work conditions. The Solomon Islands Medical Association is urging the NRH CEO, the Honorable Minister of Health, and the Permanent Secretary of Health to prioritize the allocation of finances for maintenance work.
Dr Togamae highlighted, the people of the Solomon Islands and citizens of Honiara City are calling on the Minister of Health and his Permanent Secretary to personally address the National Referral Hospital Crisis. The Solomon Islands Medical Association acknowledges the government’s unprecedented support for the health of Solomon Islanders and expresses gratitude for ensuring that patients can still access clinicians even in challenging situations like the current one.
NRH Emergency department was closed for more than a month now, for a 1.9 million worth of maintenance and refurbishment work. Work has ceased to progress at the moment due to funding delays and due to the Pacific Games commitment. The Pacific Game 2023 has also negatively impacted on Emergency doctors and nurses at NRH and is indeed a crucial concern.
Dr Togamae also said Doctors and Nurses are performing their duties in make-shift tents on tar marc (car park) and on west wing porch of hospital. Availability of beds for unfavorably ill patients is questionable. Working space for doctors and nurses is unease. Let alone the immense heat that doctors and nurses with their patients have to withstand 24/7.