Ministry of Rural Development Leading on Piloting Integrity and Ethics Agency Improvement Framework

IN a significant step towards promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance, the Ministry of Rural Development of Solomon Islands is taking the lead in hosting a workshop on piloting the Integrity and Ethics Agency Improvement Framework. This initiative, facilitated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the Transparency and Accountability project funded by Japan, aims to reinforce efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 16, which focuses on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions.

The workshop, held from May 21 to 23, 2024, brought together MRD staff to learn the insights of the Integrity and Ethics Agency Improvement Framework. This practical framework is designed to help public service agencies diagnose, plan, manage, and measure their integrity and ethics initiatives, ultimately fostering a culture of integrity and enhancing public trust in public services.

Solomon Kalu, UNDP Inclusive Governance and Economic Growth Specialist, commended the MRD for taking the lead and emphasized the importance of the workshop: “Public integrity is the cornerstone of a transparent and accountable public systems. By piloting this framework, we are not only identifying areas for improvement but also empowering government officials with the tools to address corruption risks and strengthen organizational ethics with the ultimate goal of improving our country’s transparency and accountability.”

The workshop has also focused on sharing the results of two critical surveys: the Perceptions on Integrity and Ethics (PIE) Survey and the Integrity and Ethics Assessment Survey (IEAS). These surveys provide valuable insights into current perceptions and practices, helping to identify key areas for improvement.

Gerardo Berthin, UNDP Advisor who facilitated the workshop, highlighted the broader impact of the framework: “This initiative aligns with the UNCAC (United Nations Convention Against Corruption, signed by all Pacific Islands countries and the Teieniwa Vision, which underscores the commitment of Pacific leaders to address corruption and promote good governance, including Solomon Islands. The framework offers a structured approach to building a culture of integrity and ethics across public institutions, which is essential for sustainable development. That said I hope the workshop can be soon replicated for other ministries.”

Suzy Leon, Senior Accountant from MRD, expressed that: “It´s been very good that not only senior staff but also junior officers were invited to attend because the workshop has been an eye opening by all of us. We are now better prepared to react and behave when we face situations when our ethics might be compromised.”

The overall intended outcome of the workshop is for MRD staff to gain a comprehensive understanding of the framework, its components, and tools. Participants will also develop an improvement plan, a communication strategy, and a follow-up plan to ensure the framework’s effective implementation and replication.

With the 2030 Agenda as a guiding thread, UNDP in line with SDG 16 works to reduce bribery and corruption and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.  UNDP’s approach aims to strengthening anti-corruption institutions and systems, supporting the implementation of UNCAC, mitigating corruption risks in essential sectors, and strengthening the collective actions of governments, civil society and the private sector in fighting corruption.