His Excellency Sunaramuthi presented a gift to Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele MP, while paying his final courtesy call: photo credit PMO

INDIA’S High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, His Excellency Shri Inbasekar Sunaramuthi has paid his final courtesy call to the Prime Minister honorable Jeremiah Manele MP, this week.

HE Sunaramuthi will leave for his new posting on August 15th and in the interim First Secretary Ravindra Nath will be the Acting High Commissioner.

HE Shri Inbaseker Sunaramuthi used the occasion of his final courtesy call to express his gratitude to the cordial working relationship between his office and that of the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC).

“It has been an honor to serve here,” HE Sunaramuthi stated.

While leaving his post as the High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, HE Sunaramuthi highlighted that some of the areas of cooperation will come to fruition as of next year. This included the Jaipur Foot Camp which is a project to introduce artificial limbs to people who lost their legs and arms. And the other area of cooperation is the desalination plant to help in the treatment of water.

HE Sunaramuthi further highlighted that sea ambulances will be supplied as well going forward.

His Excellency Shri Inbasekar Sunaramuthi also expressed the importance of PM Manele visiting India, highlighting that it will further strengthen the mutual bilateral relationship between the two countries.

In response, PM Manele spoke highly of His Excellency Sunaramuthi, acknowledging his energetic work ethic to see through the fulfillment of the Forum for India- Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) outcomes.

Prime Minister Manele also acknowledged HE Sunaramuthi for his involvement in the work to establish the Center of Excellence for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU).

PM Manele paid tribute to HE Sunaramuthi for his tireless effort in ensuring 20 Tata buses were provided in time for the 2023 Pacific Games.

The Prime Minister expressed that India’s bilateral relationship with Solomon Islands has grown from strength to strength owing to the exceptional leadership of His Excellency.

PM Manele also expressed that bilaterally and regionally, Solomon Islands recognized and acknowledged India’s leadership.

PM Manele wished Sunaramuthi well as he endeavors in his new calling in Europe.

Source: PMO