Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Changemakers Awards deadline extended to 31st October

Launch of the Rural WASH Changemakers Awards on World Water Day in March 2024 in Honiara

THE Rural WASH Changemakers Awards seek to recognize the excellence of WASH initiatives in Solomon Islands and the deadline for submission has just been extended to the 31st of October.

Rural communities across the nine provinces of Solomon Islands face adverse health problems caused by a lack of access to safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices. Despite efforts to improve the situation, Solomon Islands continue to struggle with access disparities, particularly in rural areas. Statistics reveal a concerning trend with access to basic water services decreasing and slow progress in sanitation coverage. Open defecation remains prevalent, indicating the challenges in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6.2 by 2030.

In response to this pressing issue, UNDP’s Provincial Governments and Service Delivery (PGSD) project funded by the European Union, launched the Rural WASH Changemakers Awards to recognize the urgency of addressing these challenges by identifying and celebrating the contributions of changemakers, champions, innovators, and vanguards in the field of WASH in Solomon Islands.

With this celebration, the UNDP project together with the European Union are seeking to bring attention to WASH service delivery as a critical priority in the Solomon Islands’ development agenda.

Raise public awareness around WASH service delivery is essential to support future interventions and improve WASH coverage and services. Highlighting success stories and challenges faced in improving WASH services, the Awards seek to influence policymakers and key stakeholders to adopt a comprehensive approach to achieving WASH goals. Besides, it will eventually promote peer learning and collaboration through a Community of Practice that all stakeholders, partners, development practitioners and Solomon Islanders can benefit with the documentation of best practices across the country.

Award Details

The Rural WASH Changemakers Awards will recognize excellence in 6 categories, including safe drinking water, sanitation, hygiene, institutional, inclusive development and media coverage. Each category seeks champions from various sectors, including civil society organizations, social entrepreneurs, private companies, the public sector, the community, non-profit organizations or any other WASH service providers. Winners will be honored with a trophy, a certificate, and a prize of SBD 15,000.

Award Categories

  1. WASH Award Safe Drinking Water
  2. WASH Award Sanitation
  3. WASH Award Hygiene
  4. WASH Award at Institutions, e.g., schools and healthcare centers
  5. WASH Award Inclusive Development
  6. WASH Media Award

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals, organizations, and entities involved in Rural WASH initiatives are encouraged to apply or be nominated. Submission will be in a storytelling format.

Selection Process

A panel of judges comprising technical experts from relevant ministries, WHO, UNICEF, and UNDP will evaluate submissions based on criteria such as achievement impact, innovation, community-led solutions, and evidence of success.

Submission Details

Applications should be submitted via email to or by post to the UNDP Solomon Islands Office. The new deadline for submissions is October 31, 2024. Awards will be presented at an event on World Toilet Day, November 19, 2024, in Honiara.

Join Us in Celebrating Rural WASH Changemakers

The Rural WASH Changemakers Awards offer an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the unsung heroes working tirelessly to improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene in Solomon Islands. Together, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future for all Solomon Islanders.

About UNDP Solomon Islands: UNDP Solomon Islands works to support sustainable development, governance, and inclusive growth in the country. Through partnerships with the government and civil society, UNDP aims to address key challenges and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

About the project – Funded by the European Union under the European Development Fund, the Provincial Governance and Service Delivery Project is being implemented by UNDP and, in partnership with the Government of Solomon Islands under the Ministries of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening; Education and Human Resources Development; and Health and Medical Services.

About the European Union: The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states. With over half a billion citizens, the EU promotes peace, democracy, and human rights, fostering prosperity and sustainable development across its member states and beyond