Third CPLT deployment farewell and presented with certificate of appreciation and international law enforcement cooperation medals

The third China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) deployed in the country for the past seven months were farewelled and presented with certificates of appreciation letters and international law enforcement cooperation medals.

The farewell dinner took place at the Fairyland restaurant on 14 September 2023 and the presentation happened on the same day in the morning at Rove police headquarters.

Eight CPLT officers will be leaving the country sometime tomorrow (20 September 2023) and a new deployment team is already in the country to continue with their mission in supporting the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF).

Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services (MPNSC) Ms Karen Galokale, during her speech presentation says, “Team three of CPLT arrived in the country at the beginning of this year. Following your arrival, you have had a close working relationship with the MPNSC and importantly with the RSIPF.

PS Galokale says, “The working relationship is outstanding and one that is built on transparency, accountability, trust and genuine partnership purposely for the positive growth of the RSIPF.

She says, “The main goal is to be aligned well with the Solomon Islands objective for the RSIPF as our policing agency to have sustainable capability and capacity so that we do not continue to rely on donor partners for support but our policing will be able to stand out strong and professionally.”

The Commissioner of RSIPF Mr. Mostyn Mangau has acknowledged the good work the CPLT has been doing for the past seven months or so. You are here as a security partner to fill up some gaps that have been staying with us for ages.

Mr. Mangau says, “You have achieved a lot during your deployment period. Training has been conducted across the RSIPF and your support in terms of assets to boost the capability of RSIPF is a huge achievement for the RSIPF.”

Charge d’ affairs of the Chinese Embassy in Solomon Islands, Mr. Ding Yonghua said, “The police cooperation is an important part of China-Solomon Island relations, which is based on mutual trust, respect and common development. The ultimate goal of our cooperation is to strengthen the capability of RSIPF. China will keep advancing our police cooperation unswervingly, in support of RSIPF safeguarding national security and protecting the people.”

The deputy team leader of the third group, Mr. XU Qu said, “During the mission, brotherhood friendship and close cooperation between CPLT and RSIPF have been fruitful, which have become precious memories for every one of us. There is no doubt that the story of friendship will continue in the coming days. Looking forward to having you in China.”

Source: RSIPF