People with disabilities in Ngella village left unvisited by authorities


IN Ngella village, a community grappling with the challenges of disability is facing alarming neglect from authorities. The plight of individuals with disabilities, particularly in Koilovala village within the Central Islands, paints an emotional picture of abandonment and a lack of support.

A distressed mother, caring for her 21-year-old daughter with a disability, has come forward to voice her concerns. Despite the existence of disability programs, she laments that their village has never been visited or received any form of support from the authorities.

“It is heartbreaking, as we families struggle without the assistance we desperately need. We hear about disability programs through the news, but here in rural areas, we see no benefits from these initiatives. Our community, despite having a high number of people with disabilities, remains untouched by the support that is supposed to reach us,” the mother said.

The situation is not unique to one household; Koilovala village has a significant population of individuals with physical disabilities who find themselves in a similar predicament. The absence of support exacerbates the challenges they face on a daily basis. The mother from Ngella emphasizes that, at no point in time, have they benefited from any visits or aid from the programs organized by the authorities.

The disconnect between authorities and the residents of Koilovala village raises questions about the efficacy and reach of disability programs. It brings to light the need for a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to ensure that the benefits of such programs extend to all corners of society, especially those in remote or rural areas.

Advocates for disability rights and inclusivity are calling on authorities to reassess their outreach strategies and make concerted efforts to include neglected communities. The stories emerging from Ngella village serve as a poignant reminder that progress is measured not just by the initiatives announced but by their impact on the lives of those who need them the most. The time for change is now, as every individual, regardless of their location or abilities, deserves the support and care necessary to lead a dignified life.

Meanwhile, a nurse in Tulagi assures the families that she will try to arrange with the CBR officer in Tulagi to visit the disabilities at Koilovala.