Salini new Premier for Central Islands Province

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IN a significant development for the Central Islands Province, a new Premier has been elected at the Provincial Assembly Chamber in Tulagi this afternoon.

Honorable Michael Salini emerged victorious in the closely contested election, securing 9 secret ballots in his favor, while his closest contender, Honorable Polycarp, received 4 votes.

Representing the Tulagi Ward, Michael Salini now assumes the mantle of leadership for the province, poised to guide it through the next four years.

This election marks a pivotal moment for Central Islands Province, as Salini’s leadership promises a new direction and vision for the region. With his victory, the province looks forward to a period of growth, development, and prosperity under his leadership.

As the new Premier, Michael Salini is expected to bring his experience, dedication, and vision to the forefront, working tirelessly to address the needs and aspirations of the people of Central Islands Province. With his mandate secured through democratic processes, Salini is entrusted with the responsibility of steering the province towards a brighter future.

The election of Salini reflects the confidence and trust placed in him by the people and the Provincial Assembly, signaling a new chapter in the governance and development of Central Islands Province.

With this momentous occasion, the province stands poised to embark on a journey of progress and prosperity, under the capable leadership of Premier Michael Salini.