Honorable Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele, Deputy PM Bradley Tovosia, former PM Manasseh Sogavare and other members of GNUT posed for a group photo with the Konofilia family after the reconciliation ceremony: GCU

THE Konofilia family from Malaita and Renbel Provinces have staged a reconciliation ceremony at the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet‘s (OPMC) compound today, 08th May 2024.

The reconciliation was to apologize and ask for forgiveness following a widely circulated social media clip by Moffat Konofilia who uttered obscene words against the Prime Minister (PM) Honorable Jeremiah Manele MP, former PM Manasseh Sogavare and elected members of the Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT).Moffat Konofilia is one of the six children to Swanson Konofilia, a former Member of Parliament for the then North- West Malaita constituency- the third parliament after independence.

The Konofilia family led by newly elected city councilor, Rex Konofilia, initiated the reconciliation ceremony. It was a moving gathering as Rex Konofilia denounced the action of his brother and distanced his family from what has been uttered by Moffat Konofilia. Rex Konofilia reiterated that the Konofilia family did not share the same views as Moffat and that the family ask for forgiveness and also apologize to those affected by Moffat’s ill words.

In his speech, Prime Minister Honorable Jeremiah Manele MP, underlined that the reconciliation initiated by the Konofilia clearly demonstrated that they have “choose peace over conflict, unity over disunity, progress over regression and love over hate”.

“By accepting your gesture of apology, I and on behalf of my good people of Isabel, Malaita, and Guadalcanal simply reiterate our commitment to the true spirit of this reconciliation. That is what make us true Solomon Islanders. That is also the reason we are called, the Hapi Isles,” PM Manele stated.

While accepting that criticisms is part of our lives, the Prime Minister emphasized that these indifferences should not drive us apart as family, community and the country as a whole.

PM Manele also stated that as Solomon Islanders we have been tested and tried in the past, but on each occasions we have come out stronger than before, adding that the reconciliation will also have the same impact. The Prime Minister added that the reconciliation encouraged us to be united as one people and country, and dispelling individual hatred from our lives.

In his concluding remarks, PM Manele highlighted that on behalf of his people of Guadalcanal, Malaita and Isabel Provinces he has accepted the compensation and apology from the Konofilia family, expressing the same acceptance on behalf of former PM Sogavare and his people of Choiseul Province and the elected members of the GNUT.

In the reconciliation ceremony, the newly elected Member of Parliament for North Malaita Honorable Daniel Waneoroa also presented traditional shell monies to PM Jeremiah Manele, former PM Manasseh Sogavare and elected members of GNUT. These gestures were made on behalf of the North Malaita constituency to those affected by Moffat Konofilia’s ill words.

Government Communication Unit