Understanding Other Causes of Foamy Urine and Health Tips

Dr Tang Yinqian, Medical Master, Nephrologist, the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University (GMU)

HI Friends, we have talked about the foamy urine formation and underlying issues behind it in the last issue. Today we are going to find out other causes of foamy urine which are not related to health issues. At the same time, I will give tips for you to tackle foamy urine.

Other Causes of Foamy Urine

1. Increased Urethral Secretions: In men, the presence of semen or mucus in the urethra, especially after prolonged periods without sexual activity or during frequent sexual arousal, can increase organic substances in the urine, causing foam.

2. Position and speed of Urination: Sometimes, urine foams up due to the speed of urination. Urinating from a high position can cause urine to hit the toilet bowl forcefully, mixing with air and creating temporary foam. Just like water foams when it comes out of the tap quickly, urine can also create foam if it hits the toilet rapidly.

This type of foam typically clears up quickly and isn’t a cause for concern.

3. Concentrated Urine: When the body is dehydrated, experiencing diarrhea, or sweating excessively, urine becomes concentrated, increasing the concentration of organic and inorganic substances, leading to foam. Similarly, morning urine or urine retained for long periods can also appear foamy due to concentration.

4. External Factors: Detergents or other chemicals in the toilet bowl can react with urine to produce foam.

What to Do When You Notice Foamy Urine

1. Conduct a Urinalysis: If your urine seems unusually foamy most of the time, I may recommend you to do a urine test. A urinalysis is a simple and effective way to determine the cause of foamy urine. This test helps identify abnormal components in the urine, such as proteins or sugars, indicating whether foamy urine is related to kidney disease or other health issues.

2. Observe Accompanying Symptoms: If foamy urine persists and is accompanied by symptoms like edema, hematuria (blood in urine), high blood pressure, or diabetes, seek medical advice from a nephrologist. These symptoms may be linked to kidney disease or other health problems requiring further examination and treatment.

3. Maintain Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Regardless of the cause of foamy urine, maintaining healthy habits is crucial for kidney health. Ensure adequate sleep, avoid overexertion, eat a balanced diet with reduced salt, fat, and sugar, exercise moderately, and undergo regular health check-ups to detect and treat potential issues early.

4. Reduce Psychological Burden:

If urinalysis and other relevant tests are normal, the foam in urine may be due to non-disease factors. In such cases, avoid excessive worry and maintain a positive mindset. Monitor your health and communicate with your doctor as needed.

In conclusion, by understanding the other causes of foamy urine, you can manage it properly with some health suggestions that I recommended above. However, if you notice persistent foamy urine or experience any of the associated symptoms, I recommend consulting a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

They can determine the root cause and guide you on appropriate management or treatment options. Remember that early detection and intervention are crucial for maintaining kidney health. Stay tuned for more kidney health information.

(Translated by HUANG BAILIN, International Office, Guizhou Medical University