MHMS Pioneering Disability Inclusion Awareness at the MCILI

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) with the support from World Health Organization (WHO) have conducted a Disability Inclusion Awareness Session for the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration (MCILI) last week at the MCILI conference room.

The session was well-attended by Heads of Division and Departments, as policy decision-makers from various services within the Ministry, including Deputy Secretary Technical, Mr. Cornelius Donga and Deputy Secretary Administration and Planning Mr. Hunter Masuguria.

MHMS, National Rehabilitation and Disability Division, Disability and Programs Coordinator Mr. Elwin Taloimatakwa facilitated the session, supported by Director Mrs. Elsie Taloafiri. The discussions centered around crucial topics, including the various models of disability, such as the charitable, economic, medical, social, and human rights models. These paradigms were explored to enhance understanding and to promote a shift towards a more inclusive approach to disability.

Mrs. Elsie Taloafiri, National Rehabilitation and Disability Division Director says during the awareness, participants also received in-depth briefing on the Solomon Islands National Disability Inclusive Development Policy 2023-2031 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The Solomon Islands Government ratified the UNCRPD on 22 June 2023, emphasizing its commitment to priority one of the Solomon Islands National Disability Inclusive Development Policy.

“Additional topics included UNCRPD indicators, equity and rights in systems and services, as well as institutional framework mapping and stakeholders mapping exercises- critical components in driving the disability inclusion agenda forward. This session represents a significant milestone in Solomon Islands’ ongoing efforts to ensure that disability inclusion is at the forefront of national development policies and practices.”

“The collaboration between MCILI, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, as recommended by WHO to accelerate the collective commitement to advancing disability rights and creating a more inclusive society for all, embracing the theme of leaving no-one behind. MHMS would like acknowledge the MCILI Permanent Secretary, Deputy Secretaries, Directors for recognizing the importance of organizing and attending this session”, explained Mrs. Taloafiri.

Meanwhile, the MHMS is scheduled to conduct similar sessions for other line Ministries next week and anticipates to collaborate with private sector organizations, Non-Government Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Ministries, including provinces, UN Agencies, Development Partners, Regional Bodies and other stakeholders in this efforts towards optimizing disability inclusion and reduce disability exclusion in systems and services in terms of domestication of UNCRPD as the obligation of state and the implementation of the Solomon Islands National Disability Inclusive Development Policy 2023-2031 across sectors.