Isabel Premier Rhoda Sikilabu with the Vice Governor of Shandong Province signs agreement of relationship
ISABEL province has officially established sisterly ties with Shandong Province in China.
On December 4, at the witness of Charge d’affaires Ding Yonghua of the Chinese Embassy and Hon. Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele, H.E. Zeng Zanrong, Vice Governor of Shandong Province of China and Hon. Rhoda Sikilabu, Premier of Isabel Province formally signed the Agreement on the Establishment of Friendly and Cooperative Relations Between Shandong and Isabel.
This is the second pair of provincial-level sister relationship after Guangdong Province and Guadalcanal Province, and marks a new important step forward in the path of sub-national cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and SI.

Shandong province has the second largest population and the third largest economy in China, and is featured with the complete industrial system and abundant natural resources. With the strong wishes for cooperation from both sides, we believe the sister relationship between Shandong and Isabel will bear more tangible fruits in the future.