Group photo front of Auki police station
THE Assistant Commissioner (AC) Provincial of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Mr. Leonard Tahnimana and Team Leader (TL) China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) Commissioner Zhao Jinyong have a courtesy visit to the caretaker premier of Malaita Province recently.
The purpose of the visit is to inform the caretaker premier of Malaita Province Mr. Martin Fini about CPLT and RSIPF Honiara base officers who will be conducting a two weeks Public Order Management (POM) training for Malaita police officers.

During the visit, AC Provincial Mr. Tahnimana acknowledged the caretaker premier for accepting CPLT and RSIPF delegation to make a visit to his office.
“I must acknowledge your office and the lovely people of Malaita for accepting us in Malaita province,” said AC Tahnimana.
The caretaker premier of Malaita Province Mr. Fini has welcomed the RSIPF and CPLT for the courtesy visit and discussed with the team on matters regarding law and order in the province and the training that will happen in Auki.

The RSIPF and CPLT delegation before the courtesy visit to the caretaker premier also have a meeting with Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita and make a brief tour of different offices at Auki Police Station.