AFP and RSIPF Officer doing foot beat in Honiara
THE National Parliament of Solomon Islands will be closed for public access during the Election of Prime Minister while police will step up security in and around the Parliament area during Election of the Prime Minister on 2 May 2024.
Acting (Ag) Clerk of the National Parliament of Solomon Islands Mr. Jefferson Hallu clarifies the election of the Prime Minister is not a parliamentary meeting, although it is conducted on the floor of Parliament. The Constitution defines it as ‘a meeting of members’ (See Schedule 2 of the Constitution).

Acting Clerk Mr. Hallu said in other words, it is a private meeting of all the Members of Parliament (MPs) to elect a Prime Minister, as opposed to a parliament sitting which is open to the public. Because it is a private meeting, it is not accessible to the general public.
Mr. Hallu said since the election of the Prime Minister is not a parliamentary proceeding, the Speaker of Parliament doves not preside over it. His Excellency the Governor General presides over the election of the Prime Minister, which means the Government House administers the election and not Parliament. This makes Parliament as a venue only, an appropriate venue to elect the Prime Minister.
He said because it is a private meeting of MPs, it is not going to be broadcasted in any manner. No other personnel are allowed in the Chambers and the public gallery. Not even Parliament staff. Only Government House Officers and some selected senior officials are authorized by His Excellency to assist in conducting the election.
“Parliament is yet to sit. The first sitting of Parliament is going to be summoned by His Excellency the Governor General by way of Proclamation that is going to be published in the Solomon Island Government Gazette. That is when all MPs will take the Oath of Allegiance to our Head of State and subsequently elect the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker,” said Mr. Hallu.
Deputy Commissioner (DC) National Security and Operation Support (NSOS) said police will be visible everywhere in town. That is from White River to Henderson and also at the National Parliament of Solomon Islands.
DC Vaevaso said as we speak now officers are already doing high visibility foot beat along the street of Honiara and vehicle patrols as we prepare for the election of the Prime Minister. Police will not tolerate anyone who intends to disturb the process of the election of the Prime Minister.

Mr. Vaevaso said it is good that law abiding citizens to respect the process and allow our MPs to elect a new Prime Minister and please do accept the outcome of the result of a new Prime Minister.