The retirees and family members after the official program
THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Maritime Department has farewelled their outgoing Director Chief Superintendent Russell Tagini and two maritime base officers at Maritime base in Honiara on 10 May 2024.
The farewell ceremony which took place at the Maritime base was marked with a parade where officers were honoured for their contributions and service to the Maritime Department.
The event was attended by the Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Operations Everlyn Thugea.
Outgoing Maritime Director Chief Superintendent Russell Tagini says, “I want to express my gratitude for the support rendered and the cooperation during my term with the Maritime Department. It has been an honour to serve in the Maritime and work alongside such dedicated officers.”

Mr Russell says, “I am grateful for the opportunity and experience that I had during my term in the office.”
The two retiring maritime technical officers Samuel Auheva and training and Discipline officer Cherry Kimisi were recognized for their contributions to the maritime and acknowledged their service and dedication during their term with the Maritime department.
The farewell ceremony concluded with a heartfelt send-off as the retiring officers were presented with tokens of appreciation and well wishes for their future endeavours.
AC Thugea says, “On behalf of the RSIPF Commissioner of Police, RSIPF Executive and colleagues here today, your colleagues across the country, and the grateful people of Solomon Islands, we salute you for your service and we say thank you.”
“We had run the race together over the past years and you’ve reached the finishing line. Well done, you have left a legacy for many who strives for professional career progression in Maritime division will follow,” said AC Thugea
Director Maritime Superintendent Nevol Soko says in his speech during the ceremony, “Today marks a significant juncture in the journey of our Police Maritime, a force that stands as a beacon of resilience and dedication in safeguarding our waters and protecting our shores.”
“It is a day to reflect upon the remarkable contributions of the three pillars whose unwavering commitment has been the bedrock of our success since the inception of our police maritime force.”
Director Soko says, “As you embark on your new journey three of you leave behind a legacy of professionalism, dedication and commitment to the RSIPF Maritime Department. Your contributions will be remembered and cherished by us and your colleagues for years to come.”