PROVINCIAL Training Officers (PTOs) from the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) recently completed an instruction course at the RSIPF Police Academy.
In a statement the Police Media unit explained the course aimed to enhance the PTOs’ training skills and capabilities so they can provide the best training to their staff in the provinces.
RSIPF Learning and Development staff, along with Inspectors Agnes Ape and Rolland Tautaumao, led the training. Police partners from Australia and New Zealand also contributed to the program.

The New Zealand Police, as part of the Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP), and the RSIPF Learning and Development department continue to strengthen the capacity and capabilities of the PTOs within the RSIPF.
As a valuable gesture, the New Zealand Police have gifted ten laptops, ten projectors, and memory sticks to the RSIPF PTOs. This donation enables PTOs to access and deliver essential training to their provincial staff for all RSIPF training programs.
All training aligns with the RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy 2023-27, ensuring that the RSIPF comprehends their role in preventing crime and reducing harm and victimization across the Solomon Islands.
The New Zealand Police invested approximately a hundred thousand Solomon Island dollars in acquiring the laptops, projectors, and memory sticks. Inspector Warwick McKee, the team leader, expressed enthusiasm for supporting the PTOs with the best resources available to ensure that all RSIPF officers in each province receive essential training and development.
These devices empower PTOs to deliver RSIPF training programs developed by Learning and Development at any time and location, including police stations, towns, and remote areas within their province.
The PTOs will collaborate closely with the RSIPF Learning and Development staff to ensure that all relevant training programs are accessed and delivered to the entire RSIPF staff.
Director of Learning and Development, Superintendent James Teilo, expressed excitement about the laptops and projectors provided by SIPSP. He emphasized the RSIPF PTOs’ vital role in granting access to training for continuous improvement and the development of skills, knowledge, and experience among all RSIPF staff. This enables them to deliver exceptional service to their communities every day.

Mr. Teilo expressed sincere appreciation for SIPSP’s support and the value of the equipment provided. He celebrated the provision of new equipment to trainers in the provinces as a significant step towards making the RSIPF leaders in crime prevention and service delivery across the Pacific region.