POLICE children of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) recently received basic Kung Fu training provided by the China Police Liaison Team (CPLT). The two-day training aimed to instill self-defense skills, discipline, and confidence in police officers’ children aged 6 to 16 years old.
Superintendent John Matamaru emphasized the importance of this training during the opening session, stating that it equips the children with the necessary skills for future martial arts or sports activities.

According to the Police Media Unit, RSIPF Commissioner Mr. Mostyn Mangau emphasized the significance of respect among participants in such programs. Commissioner Mangau highlighted the training’s potential to serve as a model for the children in their community, encouraging discipline and reflecting good behavior. He further stressed that as parents and law enforcers, their responsibility includes ensuring the security of the Solomon Islands.
Mr. Mangau emphasized the need for this training to shape the minds of young individuals, fostering self-belief and equipping them with the ability to protect themselves and their families.

During the closing program, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ian Vaevaso expressed gratitude to the CPLT for dedicating their time to train the children and teenagers. He acknowledged the training’s role in promoting social interaction, bonding, health, and positive lifestyles. DC Vaevaso also expressed anticipation for the next phase of this important training and appreciated the ongoing support provided by the CPLT instructors.
The chief instructor of the CPLT, Dong Pengpeng, stated that this activity not only helps children develop good habits but also provides them with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of their police officer parents’ important work and responsibilities. Additionally, it allows them to enjoy quality time together.